Wabi Sabi
July 16, 2019
< class="image-with-text-overlay__heading">Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi

Wabi Sabi is hard to define, not necessarily a style or an object but a feeling. At the core Wabi Sabi speaks to your surrounding environment and is there to remind you that everything natural is impermanent, imperfect and incomplete. Finding the beauty in the imperfect, whether it be a place, person or thing, by removing the impossible task of pursuing perfection it leaves space for what is important. When thinking in terms of how we decorate our homes, asymmetry, simplicity, modesty and minimalism all come to mind. The main principles for a Wabi Sabi inspired home begin at the entrance, which is called genkan in Japan. Keeping this area tidy and presentable, taking a leaf from the Japanese and leaving your shoes at the door are all key. Plants or flowers are also a nice way to welcome you home. Decluttering is a big part of Wabi Sabi, clearing away unnecessary items will create the space to appreciate the things you do love and guests in your home will feel it too. 

Wabi Sabi is generated from the organic creations of nature. By introducing natural materials such as wood, clay and stone in your home, and natural fabrics for bedlinen, clothing and kitchenware, you will create a space that brings the outside in. Finding the beauty in timeworn treasures, handcrafted and well-made pieces or family items handed down generation to generation are very much part of the Wabi Sabi philosophy. Repurposing items that have had a previous life, giving them a new one. 

We talk about layering your lighting plan a lot here at Urban, especially when considering the ideology of Wabi Sabi. Keep both light and shadow in mind, noting how the contrast changes your space at different times of the day. Embrace low light and darkness when it suits the season and your mood. Soft washes of light that can be added to or softened further will help create a harmonious feel.  Well placed down lights, task lighting, dimmer switches and organic shaped or handmade pendants will highlight those beautiful vignettes of well-loved pieces you have carefully curated. Impermanent, imperfect and incomplete.